Meditation and Intention

"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." (Luke 12:34

When we begin our meditation practice each morning or evening, our intention is as important as the technique we use. If the intention is health, wealth or intelligence, that is as far as meditation takes us. If the intention is to merge with the divine Radiance, that is where we go. God is not a by-product. God responds to intention.

Our intention is the most advanced technique. It costs nothing. We receive it from no guru.  We can wait years for divine love to happen. Or we can pray for it now, as our intention, when we begin each meditation session. Our prayer, our intention, gives a completely new trajectory to our practice.

Note, the suggestion says, when we begin meditation. We do not hold on to the intention or keep repeating it. This would ruin the innocent flowering of awareness. The most profound meditation is effortless. We simply start the practice, then surrender to Grace, as when the wind catches a sail. But as we begin, we can offer our intention.  Offer the intention, then let it go, dropping it like a seed in the ground of divine Presence.

Meditation is a sail for the soul. Grace is the wind. When the wind fills the sail, we can stop rowing.

But our rudder must be set to the tack of an intention at the beginning of the voyage, so that the wind can take us in the direction we have chosen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this inspiring and helpful post