"We dedicate ourselves to a peace so profound that it inspires everything we do... We offer the world a new vision of peace. Now more than ever, we need the courage and compassion to believe and live and love and work as men and women of non-violence. There is no higher calling!" ~Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 
Politics didn't nourish me any more. Too heavy. I thirsted for weightless joy.
The active-aggressive Right held a gun in its hand, calling it righteousness. The passive-aggressive Left raised its clenched fist in protest, calling it peace-making. I looked for a way that was neither of the Left nor the Right, neither passive nor aggressive, neither the protest nor the police. For these opposites merely create each other, and sustain each others polarizing negativity.
Then I found Sri Sri's practical teaching of Sudarshan Kriya, Sahaj Meditation, and Seva, empowering the mind to transcend duality and enter the Kingdom of the Heart. Established in the Heart, we don't stand 'against' anything, we stand 'for.' For one world family.
But what about the injustice, unrighteousness, and inequality around us? Our response to it all depends on our vision. We respond as we see. If we try to carry the world's problems, we gain a lot of weight.

Holding all that suffering, suffering is all we have to give. But becoming light, we share light.

Let go, become light, become free right now. Doesn't this sound irresponsible?

Well it isn't. Being light and free in the present moment is the deepest response-ability. Only with a spacious mind and an open heart can we be fully Present, and respond.

The English word 'courage' is rooted in 'cour,' meaning 'heart.' Right now, rest in the heart. Whatever conflict engages us, whatever battlefield surrounds us, whatever prison cell encloses us, breathe peace. This is courage.

Every breath we breathe is an invitation to soften the heart of the world.
Jai Guru Dev

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