
I offer a new verb: 'to selve.'

It means to finally be You. To be what you love, and love what needs doing, and do it as no one else can.

No guru teaches you to selve, just as no parent taught you to walk. To selve, you must abandon the notion that the universe expects you to act in accord with somebody else's rules. Selvers follow no role model or mythic archetype. They abandon the words "as" and "like."

You cannot selve "as" anyone who came before you: neither Sakyamuni, nor Mohammad, nor the Guru, or Jesus. In fact, the great way-showers all selved. Then they taught, "If you want to know God, you too must selve. But you cannot selve as me. You must selve as you."

Only in the present moment can you selve, and only in a state of wonder. When you do something beautiful and say, "I have no idea how this happened! I didn't do it!" you have selved.

Selvers do not seek the "Self." If the verb of selving ever came to rest in the noun of Self, you would be dead. Selving is energy: Self is an abstraction. You are not here to attain a state of being: you are here to be.

Selve a chef, a carpenter, a yoga teacher, a janitor, a warrior, a nurse, or an investment banker. In the art of selving, there is no superior or inferior status, no better or worse. There is but authenticity.

No one selves cruelty. No one selves dishonesty. No one selves selfishness. Those are the malfunctions of the unselved. When you truly selve, you only love.

As for Christ, Krishna, Buddha, Guru: these are just names we give to people who have selved with wild abandonment. Every moment they lived, they were bewildered by themselves.

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