
It was 24 years ago, the day after Guru Purnima, the full moon of the Guru in July, that I was graced to have a very special conversation with Guruji in his room. I don't know how much longer I will be on this earth, so I am moved to share this conversation, for the sake of those who might find it useful. For others, it will just sound like nonsense - so don't intellectualize or argue, just forget about it.

I needed to ask him about my experience in deep meditation, for it begins to pervade and saturate all the rest of my experience too. In deep transcendence, consciousness shines with a self effulgent Blue color, like the sky, the color of silence. That sapphire of pure beauty is a radiance of indescribable peace, so deeply personal, yet utterly formless.

The Guru said, "This is Shyam, Krishna's blue color, the color of the infinite. 'Shyam' means the blue sky of infinity. It is a name of Krishna."

I said, "It is pure love isn't it?"

"Yes," he said, "But do not make it into a form. There is no need to imagine Krishna's face or body. Just merge with that infinite peace. And do not make a form of me either. Do not imagine my form. Just be in love. You are That."

Since then, I have come to realize that the whole universe is made of this divine blue radiance, the hollow empty essence of love. All is formed from That. Every undulation of intelligence in the vacuum, every photon, every atom, every particle of the body, every star and galaxy, are composed of pure Love.

This is what I tried to capture in the words of my recent poem, words that always fall so short:

"Until you are ready for love, my dear,
hide in a veil beneath a veil, as blue stillness
hides in the shimmering mirage of Krishna's face."

Jai Guru Dev

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