Continuous Revelation

What is written in tongues of fire cannot be burned.

The tragedy of every great religion is mistaking the Word of God for a book. In truth, the divine Word is never written on paper or scroll. What is written is only a shadow of the Word, and what is translated from the ancient language is but the blurred reflection of a shadow.

The real Book of Life is the luminous vibration of consciousness in its own eternal silence. And to comprehend true scripture, we must take our awareness to the Spirit that inspired it.

Hidden in the mystical teachings of all great religions is the knowledge that the real revelation of scripture is not found in any book, but is written in the fiery silence of the void before anything is created. In Christianity, this Word is the pre-existent Logos, eternally vibrating in the ocean of consciousness before God speaks, "Let there be light." This Word may become flesh in Jesus, then in us. The Bible itself says that the image of God on earth is implanted in each human being. But nowhere does the Bible say that the image of God on earth is a book.

Talmudic Rabbis taught similarly about the Jewish scripture, the Torah, which already existed before its earthly revelation: it was written in flames of black fire on white fire. (Jerusalem Talmud, Shek. 6:1, 49d)

Yogis in India teach a similar vision of the Word concerning the Vedic scriptures. Vedic Sanskrit mantras were never composed on paper, for they are eternal pulsations of consciousness. Ancient rishis cognized these mantras in deep meditation. Only later were they written down.

Modern quantum physics reflects this ancient view of a pre-existent pattern or formula for creation. Matter arises from abstract fluctuations in the vacuum of space. The substance of these vibrations is not physical but mathematical, existing as pure intelligence. Thus, founding quantum physicist Sir Arthur Eddington wrote,
"I assert that the nature of all reality is spiritual, not material, nor a dualism of matter and spirit... I contemplate a spiritual domain underlying the physical world."
The great physicist Max Planck declared:
"All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter."  
This "matrix of all matter" is the Word, expressing the universe through the all-pervading creative intelligence of natural law. From the viewpoint of modern physics, we can accurately state that the universe pre-exists as a blue print of sound-waves in silence. Before creation, there was a mantra for creation...

Whether we call it the Word, the Book of Life or the Quantum Field of Pure Creative Intelligence, we have direct access to this first scripture, not by opening a book, but by resting our attention in the silent depths of our own consciousness. For at its basis, our consciousness is the field of pure universal intelligence, and each of our individual minds is but a wave of that ocean.

When this inner Word inspires a prophet, a scientist, an artist or a poet-seer, their works sparkle with the glow of divine creativity. Certainly we find echoes of this primordial Word in the Vedas, the Torah, the Qu'ran and the Gospels. But we hear these same echoes in the sacred stories and oral traditions of tribal people. We hear them too in the poems of Hafiz and Rumi, Basho, Mira, Emily Dickenson and Keats, Neruda, Rilke and Whitman. No less do we read holy scripture in the wings of a monarch butterfly, or the blue firmament contained so briefly in a morning glory.

Since the Word ever sings beneath the veil of creation, its revelation is continuous. No book could possibly contain or exhaust it all.

Therefor, let us honor all the world's scriptures as our birthright, but hold none of them as the final Word. And if you must burn someone's scriptures, burn your own in the fire of seeing!

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